
The National Széchényi Library National Periodical Database (NPD) showed detailed information about our documents. This database was closed in 2011. From 2012 we are building the MOKKA-ODR catalogue. The upload to the UDUNL catalogue is in progress.

List of our journals (to download)

Full list in alphabetical order

Other journals

Online journals

Most of our journals are available online too, through supscriptions and exchange relations. Since the range of these titles is changing and updated continously, we do not register all of the url.
There are the current most plentiful mathematical abstracting databases: the MathSciNet and the Zentralblatt Math give answer to almost every question and there are links of the journals.

Journals from our Institute

Publicationes Mathematicae (Publi, ISSN 0033-3883)
Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science (TMCS, ISSN 1589-7389)

The library actively involved/participate in the life of journals of the Institute. Our mission is storage, archiving, establish and maintenance exchange relations. The editorial of the journal TMCS is moved to the office of the library in 2012.